Saturday, March 22, 2014

Just one person in George Street

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▶1. A number of years ago in a Baptist Church in Crystal Palace in southern London, the Sunday morning service was closing and a stranger stood up in the back, raises his hand and he said, "Excuse me Pastor, can I share a little testimony?" The pastor looks at his watch and said, "You got three minutes." and this man proceeded. He said, "I just moved into this area, I used to live in another part of London. I came from Sydney in Australia and just a few months back, I was visiting some relatives and I was walking down George Street. You know where George Street is in Sydney. It runs from the business harbor to the rocks.. in the colonial era." and he said "A strange little white-haired man stepped out a shop doorway, put a pamphlet in my hand, said "Excuse me sir, are you saved? If you die tonight, are you going to heaven?" He said, "I was astounded by those words. Nobody had ever told me that. I thanked him curiously and all the way on British airlines, back to Heathrow, this puzzled me. I called a friend who lived in this new area, where I'm living now and thank God he was a Christian, he led me to Christ and I'm a christian and I want to finish up here." And back to his slump. Everyone applauded and welcomed him into the fellowship.
▶2. That baptist pastor flew to Adelaide in Australia the next week, and ten days later in the middle of a three-day series in a Baptist Church in Adelaide, a woman came to him for counselling. She wanted to establish where she stood with Christ. And she said, "I used to live in Sydney. I just a couple months back I was visiting friends in Sydney, doing some last minutes shopping down in George street and a strange, little, white-haired man, elderly man, stepped out of a shop doorway, offered me a pamphlet and said, "-Excuse me ma'am. Are you saved? If you die tonight, are you going to heaven?-"
She said, "I was disturbed by those words. But when I got back to Adelaide, I knew that this Baptist church was on the next block from me and I sought out the pastor and he lead me to Christ. So I'm telling you that I'm a Christian." Now this London pastor was not very puzzled. Twice, within the forth night he heard the same testimony
▶3. He did flew to preach in the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Perth, Australia and when he's teaching series was over, the senior elder. all that church took him out for a meal and he said, "Mate, how did you get saved?" He said, "I grew up in this church from the age 15 through Boys Brigade, never made a commitment to Jesus, just hopped on a bandwagon like everybody else because of my business ability grew up took a place in Perth. I was on a business outing in Sydney just three years ago and an obnoxious, spiteful, little man stepped out of a shop doorway, offered me a religious pamphlets, cheap junk, and accosted me with a question. "-Excuse me sir, are you saved? If you die tonight, are you going to heaven?-"
He said, "I tried to tell him I was a Baptist Elder, he wouldn't listen to me. He said I was seething with anger all the way home on Qantas to Port, he said "I told my pastor think he would sympathize with me and my pastor agreed. He had been disturbed for years knowing that I didn't have a relationship with Jesus and he was right, and my pastor led me to Jesus just three years ago."
▶4. Now this London preacher flew back to the UK and was speaking at the Keswik convention in the Lake district, and he threw in these three testimonies at the close of his teaching session, four elderly pastors came up and said "We got saved between 25 and 35 years ago respectively through that little man on George Street giving us a track and also asks that question."
▶5. He then flew following week to a Keswik convention in Caribbean, two missionaries, and he shared the testimonies at the close of his teaching session. 3 missionaries came up and said, "We got saved between 15 and 25 years ago respectively through that little man's testimony asking us that same question on George Street in Sydney."
▶6. Coming back to London, he stopped outside of Atlanta Georgia to speak at Navy Chapel's convention and when his three days of raveling, the Navy Chapel's up over 1000 to them in Sourbony, the chaplain general took him out for a meal. He said, "How do you become a christian?" He said, "Well, it was miraculous. I was a rating on the United States battleship and I live rector by black?. We were doing exercises in the South Pacific and we docked in Sydney Harbour for replenishments. We hit King's Cross with a vengeance. I got blind drunk, got on a wrong bus, got off in George Street and as I got off the bus. I thought it was a ghost. This elderly white-haired man jumped in front of me pushed a pamphlet into my hand and said, "Sailor are you save if you die tonight? Are you going to heaven?" He said, "The fear of God hit me immediately, I was shocked sober and ran back to the battleship, sought out the chaplin. The chaplin led me to Christ and I soon began to prepare for the ministry under his guidance and here I am in charge of over a thousand chaplin bent on soul winning today."
▶6. That London preacher, six months later flew to do a convention for 5000 Indian missionaries in a remote corner of north eastern India. And in the end, the Indian missionary in charge, a humble man, took him to his humble little home for a simple meal, and said, "How did you as a Hindu come to Christ?" He said, "I was in a very privileged position. I went for the Indian diplomatic mission and I travel the world. I am so glad for the forgiveness of Christ and his blood covering my sin because I'd be very embarrassed if people found out what I got into." He said, "One doubt of diplomatic service took me to Sydney, and I was doing some last minute shopping, laden with puzzles, toys and clothing for my children, walking down George Street and this courteous, little white-haired man stepped out in front offered me a pamphlet and said, "-Excuse me sir are you saved? If you die tonight you going to heaven?"
He said, "I thanked him very much but it disturbed me. I got back to my town, I sought out the Hindu priest and he couldn't help me, but he gave me some advice. He said just to satisfy your curious mind, nothing else, go and talk to the missionary in the Mission House in the end of the road and that was faithful advice." He said, "Because that day, the missionary led me to Christ. I quit Hinduism immediately and then began to study for the ministry. I left the diplomatic service and here I am by God's grace in charge of all these missionaries and we are winning hundreds of thousands of people to Christ."
▶Well, eight months later, that Crystal Palace Baptist pastor was ministering in Sydney in Guinier, southern suburbs of Sydney and he said to the Baptist minister, "Do you know a little man, an elderly. little man who witnesses and hands out tracks on George Street?" and he said, "I do. His name is Mister Genor, G-E-N-O-R.(※his real name is Jenner) But I don't think he doesn't anymore, he's too frail and elderly." The man said, "I want to meet him." to not say that went around his little apartment, knocked on the door and this tiny, frail little man opened the door.
He sat them down and made them some tea that was so penny was slopping tea into the saucer as he shook. And as he sat with them, this London preacher told him all these accounts over the previous three years. This little man sat with tears running down his cheeks. He said, "My story goes like this." He said, "I was rating in an Australian warship and I lived like a reprobate like and in a crisis, I really hit the wall and one of my colleagues whom I gave literal hell was there to help me. He led me to Jesus and a change in my life was night today in 24 hours now so grateful to God. I promised God that I would share Jesus in a simple witness with at least 10 people a day as God gave me strength. Sometimes I was ill, I couldn't do it but I'm made up for other times. I wasn't paranoid about it but I have done this over 40 years in my retirement years, the best place was on George Street. There were hundreds of people I got lots of rejection, but a lot of people courageously took the tracks." and he said,
"In forty years doing this, I've never heard of one single person coming to Jesus until today. You know I would say that has to be commitment, that has to be just sheer gratitude and love for Jesus to do that, not hearing of any results, moderated little count. That's a hundred and forty six thousand one hundred people." That's simple little non charismatic baptist men influenced somehow to Jesus and I believe what God was showing, that baptist minister was the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg goodness knows how many more have been arrested for Christ and we're doing huge jobs out in the mission field, missed again or died two week later. Can you imagine the reward he went home to inhibit. I doubt if his space with ever appeared on charisma magazine, I doubt they would ever been a ride up with the photograph in Billy Graham's decision magazine as beautiful as those magazines are, nobody except a little group of southern Sydney knew about Mister Genor(Jenner). But I'll tell you his name was famous in heaven. Heaven knew Mister Genor and you can imagine the welcome and the red carpet and the fanfare he went home to when he arrived in glory.

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