Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Revival For Survival / Jentezen Franklin


I want to preach to you for a few moments on what to do when creditor comes. I believe that in this story there’s a great parallel to the times of which we’re living, the demands that are being placed upon the church, the body of Christ, the people of God.
In this story the notices were over, the woman had a debt that she could not pay and she had been warned through notices. I’m sure that there were written notification 'if you don’t pay these bill, this is going to happen.' Well now the time had come when the notices were over. It’s no longer a request for payment. It was due, this was the deadline, it was today and something is about to happen. The scripture puts it this way, ‘The creditor is not coming. He has come’. He’s pounding and knocking on the door and he’s demanding payment. Because I the woman said owe something to this man and if I don’t pay him he’s going to take my sons in slavery as payment. He’s demanding that payment be rendered now.

As I read that I saw this parallel of the times that were living in revival. I say revival means a true moving of God in our lives. It is no longer an attractive alternative. It is no longer an option to believe and have an experience the miraculous in miracles. It is now the demand for the day that we live in, just to get your family to heaven, is going to take the miraculous power of God. Just to hold your marriage together in the 21st century. It is not going to be enough just to have natural help. It’s going to take supernatural power to hold families and marriages and your life together in the 21st century.

The time for mundane churches is over and the demand for revival is something like this, it’s either we have revival we must have revival for survival. If we don’t have revival we will not survive. We cannot be laid back. We cannot be mundane because the enemy is coming, the creditor is coming. And he’s saying I want families, I want homes, I want lives, and I want it all. I want what’s in that house.

The apostle Paul said I am a debtor because of what I grew up in, because of what I experience, because of what I know about Jesus. Because of the impact that the gospel has had on my life I am a debtor. And the creditors are coming to this generation who are the custodians of the church, and the gospel, and the power of God. And they are saying, the next generation, you owe me something. You and I are debtors to the next generation. They are demanding that we owe them something. The hurting are saying you owe me healing. The broken are saying you owe me wholeness. The bound they’re saying you owe me deliverance. The defeated are saying you owe me victory. The oppressor is saying you owe me relief. The lonely are saying you owe me friendship. The lifeless dead religious people are coming to the church and they are saying you owe me atmosphere of life and joy unspeakable. And then we must ask our self are we really paying that debt. We must now realize that the world at its worst needs the church at its best.

This woman was overwhelmed and hopeless and helpless because of the demand of the day. The demand the creditor was pounding on the door and she went to the prophet and said I need nothing less than supernatural intervention. And she did three things to meet the demand of that day and I want to give them to you quickly this morning.

1. she needed to get involved with what was in the house.
2. she put an emphasis on emptiness.
3. she made participation of her sons a priority.

◑1. she needed to get involved with what was in the house.

I believe that the demands that are being placed on us and the culture that we’re living in demand that we do these three things. The prophet said to the woman what is in your house? She said the creditors are coming what am I going to do, in his response was what is in your house? In other words that prophet was saying that the answer is not outside the church. The answer for America, the answer for our government, the answer for our economy, the answer for the family, the answer for the breakup of homes and marriages is not going to be found outside the house. They can help you but so far and then it takes what is in the house. And there is all, which is the Holy Spirit, and He is the only thing that can heal the home, the family, the marriage, the devastation of addicted lives. The answer is in the house and we need to start acting like it and we need to get this revelation that we are the answer to the problems of the world. It’s not out there. It’s not in Harvard it’s, not among the politicians, obviously they don’t know what to do. The answer is in the house, Jesus!
Anybody believes that. I’m feeling something stirring in my soul this morning.

◑2. she put an emphasis on emptiness.

We need to acknowledge the Holy Ghost in us his greater. Everything we need to make the demands of our days in this church. The answer is in the house. The answer, the prophet said, is in the house. And what’s in your house? And she said, “I have nothing in the house”, watch this,” I love the King James Version, “save a pot of oil”. You know what he was saying was, our problem is not the absence of oil. We got some oil in the house. Our problem is the addition of all the other stuff that is taken priority over the oil and the oil represents the Holy Spirit. When we get to the place that all we have is the oil, that is when we have revival. But as long as we have all the other stuff cluttering in up in our house that we’re leaning on and looking to then we don’t have revival. We don’t need to add, we need to get rid of some stuff. We need to get down to nothing but oil.

Trusting in too many programs and not trusting in the oil. Now this woman was in an economic crisis in a time of downsizing and budget cutting. And anybody knows that when you’re in a downsizing and budget cutting, let say you get laid off from your job, God forbid but if it happen and it went on and on and on and you had to start selling stuff just to pay the payments on your house and keep food on the table. You start with the stuff that’s less important. You start selling of the rotten (fishing) reels and the guns and the golf clubs. I mean if it’s between your families eating with the golf clubs, still can’t get any Amens, but that’s how it ought to be. You sell the best boat you get rid of the non-essentials the less important stuff first and you hold on to the most precious thing till the very last. And this woman said, I have sold all the livestock in the yard. I have sold everything out of the closet. I’ve had a yard sale. I’ve got rid of everything that is not important and now I have saved a pot of oil. She had the emphasis on the right thing.

As the crisis gets rougher you get focus and she was letting go of stuff that really didn’t matter. Make sure you keep your oil. Make sure you save a pot of oil. You can do without a lot of trappings and wrappings but you can’t do without the Holy Spirit. We’ve got to have the oil.

▲He said number one, get focus on what you got in the power and the person of the Holy Spirit. And then number two, he said go borrow vessels. There’s only one qualification for those vessels. It didn’t matter what color they were. It didn’t matter what shape they were. It didn’t matter what size they were all. That matter about the vessels is that they must be empty. That was the only qualification, emptiness. You make sure that you bring vessels that are empty not vessels that are full. Not vessels that are satisfied, not vessels that think because they got stuffs they are full. Bring me some emptiness, bring me some people who are desperate for me, bring me some people who have all this stuff and they’re blessed and yet they’re hungry for more of me.

God searches for emptiness and I want you to notice what my text said startled me. I’ve never seen this. I preached from this text many times I never seen this. He said the prophet’s instructions were <if the vessels get full, set them aside.> That scares me. That means if I ever, as a preacher, I don’t care how long I’ve been pastoring, fasting, praying, if I ever approach God with an attitude I am full. I have so much of you. All these people really need something but Lord look my life is fine. I’m good, I’m saved I’m filled with the Holy Ghosts, I’m going to heaven, I’m cool, I’m full. That is the moment that God says take the vessels the instructions. Read it, "He said take the vessels that are full and set them aside." That scares me. That means that you can be in church and develop mentality that I’m full, I’ve seen in all, I’ve found it all, I’ve experienced it all and when you get that way God says ok set him aside and find me an empty vessel that I’ll give his anointing to somebody else.

You better stay hungry, you better stay empty. As long as there’s emptiness there was oil. When there was fullness He cut the anointing of. He stopped the oil from flowing. As long as God can find someone empty, he’ll keep pouring into. This is the key to success, this is how it happens. This is why we’ve talked so much about fasting because fasting is emptying your soul over and over and over again. Its saying 'thank you I am so blessed but I want more I want more.' He’s looking for empty people. God’s not looking for important people. God’s not looking for big buildings. God’s not looking for prestigious folk. God is looking for empty people.

Is there room or are you full? Holy Spirit spoke to me and he said if you got all you want, your church is full, satisfied? You don’t have to build anymore, get back. I’ll just set you little full vessel aside I’ll find these people somewhere who keep crying more and more and more and more and more..

Be careful when you boast of heaven everything as though you have need of nothing. Jesus won’t go in that church. He stands on the outside of that church of layout and sees which said were rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing. Look at my car look at my house, really?
♬ I need thee all I need thee.. (I’m a blessed man) but every hour I need thee.♪
(기쁘고 기쁘도다, 항상 기쁘도다. 나 주께 왔사오니 복 주옵소서)

Forgive me for being full when I want to stay empty. I’m talking about emptiness. Can you climb above thirty years of serving God? Say I need God right now more than I ever needed Him. I’m talking the leaders. I’m talking the pastors. I’m talking the worship teams. I’m and talking the church leaders. I’m saying 'are you really empty or are you full?' Get all you want.

Because the thing that causes God to set the church aside the church aside, the ministry aside, is because when they get the mentality, “I’m full I don’t expect any more. I don’t dream of them anymore. I don’t reach for anymore. I don’t hunger and thirst anymore.” God says said that "set the vessel aside."

◑3. she made participation of her sons a priority.

The third thing and the most important thing that I’m going to say this morning and that I’m through, Is the woman said to her son, if you don’t help me get vessels, sons go get vessels, the bowman(?) is going to take you away in the slavery, if I don’t get you involved with the flow of the oil in the house of God. See, we use to think that revival is for the drug addicts out there and the kids out there and the unreached out there but what I’m saying is revival is now about keeping our kids off drugs, our kids off alcohol, our kids out of sexual immorality. And if we don’t have revival in the church and if our kids are not involved with the flow of the oil and what the Holy Spirit is doing in the house, this woman is so smart because she got her children from spectating to participating, and the creditor said if the kids are not involved I’m going to take them in the slavery. And that all make every Dad hunger for God, and all can make every mom dissatisfied with where you are with God. Because the real price for the enemy is if he can get our kids.

If you don’t get your kids involved you’ll lose them. That’s why if your kids still peterpen in their little pajamas in your bedroom on Sunday morning and say, “Are we going today?, that’s the sign you are backslided. That’s the sign you don’t have God. If little peter pet 3 year old were coming, “Are we going to church today?” If there’s a question mark in the mind, it’s because they have seen through your actions. Church is not our priority. It’s a, “if we feel like it then deal!”
I’m just killing that Fourth of July freedom spirit, aren’t I?

Ladies and gentleman the creditor is at the door saying you owe me revival or I’ll take your kids captive. I’m going to tell you if we can keep our kids in what they were feeling last week, we can’t be satisfied to have it once a year. We got to have it every week. We got to have them on the stage. We got to them in kid. We got to have them involved. I’d tell you that is the key, keep your family. The miracle is under this roof. If you want to get your family to heaven, stay in church. Stay empty, hungry, longing for more. Stay on the edge of your seat doing praise and worship doing preaching. Stay fired up because if you got revival going on in those kids, they’re participating, coming home for kid packs and let me tell you what we learned on church today. The creditor says I can’t collect.
Sometimes if we’re not careful it all get cluttered and the prophet said save a pot of oil. Get back to the oil. The only thing that can save our families is if God awakens a new need in you. (Touch somebody beside you and say God give him a need.)

Our greatest challenge is to be convinced that we have a need. “I need of touch of God. I desperately need God. I can’t be the dad, I can’t be the husband, I can’t be the wife, and I need you. I need you to even act right, to even do right. I need you.” When you ever get that revelation there’s an empty vessel, pour the oil in that vessel.

You’ll not impress God with fullness. (I’m almost through.) He’s looking for emptiness. He’s looking for somebody so empty that say I can’t even walk without you holding my hand.
Say this, “I’m blessed but I need you Lord”. Say it bold. “I’m blessed but I need you Lord” “I am not full. I’m an empty vessel. Fill me Lord don’t let the creditor have my kids. Fill this empty vessel.”


▲Lift your hands and worship and worship and let your emptiness cry out. Worship Him, Worship Him Worship Him… Worship him like you didn’t even know Him. Worship him like you’d never been saved. Worship Him like you just heard His name for the first time. Worship Him, worship Him anybody would say, “I’m not full, I’m empty, I’m empty, I want to get rid of some of the cluttering and get back and save the pot of oil”. Just stand up on your feet and lift up your hands and lift up your voice and worship Him. Lift your hands and just worship him, I want to be more like you Jesus sing it church.
♬ I want to be more like you. Jesus♪

I feel the Holy Spirit moving in this room lift up your hands. Cry out to him a few moments. I need you Lord I want to be more like you Jesus.
Now get the revelation if we do not have the oil flowing in the house the enemy is going to enslave our children in drugs and alcohol. How desperate do you need Him.
He is desperate to take them into slavery and the only thing that can stop him is the oil flowing in the house. How desperate are you dad, how desperate are you mom?
Are you an empty vessel? It’s revival for survival.

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